Monday, September 03, 2012


For a planner like me the last few weeks before any vacation are a mixture of excitement and worry.  I've done the research, asked the questions, sent the emails, made the reservations.....but have I forgotten anything?  I've made reservations at the places we'd be most likely to have to wait in line - the Vatican museums, The Borghese, the Uffizi and the Accademia.  Making these reservations also requires a cretain amount of confidence because you're locked into a specific time and day.  Sometimes it's nice to have the flexibility to save a museum for a rainy day, or even a really hot day, but when your time is limited you just have to make the best decision you can and go with it.  I decided not to make reservations for a walking tour in Florence just in case rain is forecast, but I have the phone number programmed into my Italian cell so I'm hoping a quick call a day or two before will be sufficient.  I'm still waiting on the folks at Perugina to confirm the chocolate class, but hopefully now that we're into September it will be back to business as usual soon. 

I have lists of restaurants and gelaterie galore - enough to give us a nice selection in several areas, but not so many that we'll be overwhelmed by choices.  Most of these recommendations came from various threads on the Slow Travel message board and should be up-to-date, fingers crossed.  I've tried not to cram too much stuff into our daily plans, giving us time for a coffee, a gelato, even some free time on our terrace in Rome!  You can be sure that not everything will go as planned - some things will take longer, others less time, but at least I have a good idea of what we'll do each day.  There's nothing worse than being on vacation and wondering what to do next - or arriving at a site only to find out it's their closing day. 

In another week or two I'll haul out the suitcases and begin piling up stuff to take.  I'll need to check for toiletries, make sure we each have all our vitaimins and prescriptions, throw in an extra pair of sunglasses, that sort of stuff.  I won't make any final decisions about the clothes I'm taking until the day before we leave, just because the weather has been so crazy, but layering will certainly be part of the plan. 

Both our passports are good for several more years, so no worries there.  Art's going to AAA this week to get his IDP (internation driving permit).  I need to do a final price check for the rental car, and make sure no flight times have changed.  I need to cancel the paper and stop the mail, and call the credit card companies.  I'm not sure what I'm forgetting, but in the end we'll be in Italy again, so it'll be fine.  At least that's what I'm telling myself!


At 9/09/2012 11:10:00 PM , Blogger J said...

I'm going around the same time as you all...would love your recommendations for shops..etc... :) We're going to Rome, Florence and Venice...

Have a great trip!

At 9/10/2012 10:46:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

I'd recommend checking out the Slow Travel website and the ST message board - tons of info there!

At 9/13/2012 09:20:00 PM , Anonymous Michelle said...

Hi Art and Barb. When will you be in italy? I'm headed over to Italy the end of the month. Perhaps we'll see each other in Umbria? Michelle

At 9/16/2012 04:17:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exciting times! When do you leave?

At 9/19/2012 03:32:00 AM , Blogger Joanie said...

Dear Barbara, I happened upon your blog from an ex pat search ... while you are in Umbria ... if you like hand painted pottery, be sure to visit ANTICA FORNACE DERUTA ... you can check it out on Trip Advisor or website by same name. Have a good trip, Joan (

At 10/12/2012 10:39:00 PM , Blogger Gil said...

Have a great trip or should I say I hope that you are having a great trip!

At 10/13/2012 03:02:00 PM , Blogger Barbara said...

thanks Gil - we are!!!

At 1/01/2013 08:57:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

HI Barbara,

We are considering a move from Kentucky to Italy, I have never even visited Italy but have been wanting to move there. Any suggestions on property/Life/Crime/or any other information that may be able to help us with a full move. My Name is Rachel & my email is if you have ANY advice I would appreciate it more than you will ever know. Or if you know anyone that can help us settle in over there would also be very helpful. My Husband is retired Airforce & we have 3 daughters 13, 12 & 10. Thank you in advance

At 1/01/2013 09:01:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Barbara,
We are considering a move to Italy from Kentucky. Is there any information that you can help with to make the move smoother for our Family especially my kids, they are 13,12 & 10. Property, groceries, cost of living, weather, crime ?? any information will be much appreciated or if you can steer us in the right direction, we are considering Florence. THANK you in advance

At 1/01/2013 09:20:00 PM , Blogger Barbara said...

Rachel, have you checked out the Expats in Italy website and message board? We made the move back in 2003 and there have been amny changes since then, plus we didn't have children to consider, so the Expats in italy site (links on the right hanbd side) is your best bet! good luck!

At 4/07/2013 02:48:00 PM , Blogger Farmwife said...

Heard the Kentucky Derby was coming soon and immediately thought of you guys. How have you been? Have't heard from you since September. Hope you are both doing okay.


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