Saturday, September 01, 2007


It’s not that I’ve been lazy, more like uninspired, thus no recent blog entries. I’d been trying to post more frequently because I want the “House For Sale” information to be out on the internet as much as possible, but sometimes it’s hard, even for me!, to find something interesting to write about.

We had two families, both English, look at the house last week. No feedback yet, but we certainly took a long time in between our first look and our offer. And these people might not be the right people for our house anyway. We realize that not everyone is looking for Italian immersion, that some might prefer to be surrounded by other English speakers, or maybe just some place that’s set up to deal with tourists and expats, with foreign language newspapers and menus in several languages. We’re not worried about selling our house, but we are doing all we can to help the right people find out about it. Piano, piano!

We met up with a couple we’ve ‘met’ on the Slow Travel message board, Kat and Peter. We spent the morning at the Marsciano market, then drove back up to San Venanzo to enjoy or porchetta sandwiches and some of the peach mostarda I’d made from Judith’s recipe.

Tonight will be the big horse show, so I’m sure there will be pictures, hopefully even some video, of that to be posted later. From now we’re just enjoying the last days of summer, and as expected, it has indeed turned cooler. You can really start to imagine that fall is just around the corner…..


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