Monday, March 17, 2008


Okay, it’s official, spring is here! How do I know? Let’s see….the sun is out, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming….and the first big bicycle race of the year just whizzed through San Venanzo yesterday!

According to THIS ARTICLE the Tirreno-Adriatico is the first big race of the year, an 1100 kilometer, seven day event going from Italy’s west coast to it’s east coast. In the process it goes up and down, over mountains and through towns, and yesterday was the second leg, the one that brought the cyclists over Mt. Peglia and right through San Venanzo and eventually the riders ended up in Gubbio.

After nearly two hours of waiting and quite a few false alarms….how many ‘advance’ vehicles do they have???...the two lead cyclists zoooomed through, preceeded by lots of motorcycle cops. A few minutes later the 200-odd other cyclists came flying by in a flash of colors, followed by all the service vehicles carrying spare bikes, spare parts and assorted supplies.

Wendy told us there was quite a pile-up in Ponte San Giovanni, but luckily everything went smoothly…and quickly!... in San Venanzo.

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