Thursday, June 19, 2008


I ate cole slaw long before I ever ate any type of cooked cabbage, and even today, I'm picky about how my cabbage is prepared. Cooked in a stir-fry is okay, but sauerkraut? Never! So much for my German heritage!

I was surprised that our Italian friends really liked this mayonnaise based cole slaw, and I guess the next step is to make my vinaigrette cole slaw to see if it's a hit too. Here's the recipe, although I'm not sure that celery seed is available here in Italy...I've never seen it in Umbria.

Cole Slaw

1/3 cup mayonnaise
I Tbsp vinegar
2 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp celery seed

Mix all ingredients and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add to 3 cups shredded cabbage mixed with one shredded carrot.

La vera cucina americana......
Salata Cavolo

circa 85 gr mayonaisse
una cucchiaio grande (da minestra) aceto di mele (o aceto di vino bianco)
2 cucchiaini (di caffe) di zucchero
1/2 cucchiaini (di caffe) di sale
1/2 cucchiaini (di caffe) di semi di sedano

Adding the saltMescolar tutto fina a lo zucchero si dissolva. Quindi aggiungere 300 gr di cavolo tagliuzzato misto con una carota grattugiata.

Celery Seed

Slaw Dressing

Cabbage and Carrots

Cole Slaw

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At 6/21/2008 07:12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know that folks actually made coleslae dressing . . . I just open a bottle and dump it in! *smile* Thanks for sharing this.

At 6/24/2008 09:14:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb, I wonder if you let celery go to seed in the garden if you could harvest celery seed? Cole slaw, if it's not heavy on the mayo, is actually a pretty healthy dish. Thanks for sharing your recipe...I shall try it soon.

At 6/24/2008 12:11:00 PM , Blogger Barbara said...

diane, altho I do grow my own celery, I've never seen it go to seed! I let the celery stay in the garden all winter because we had such mild winter, and it never did go to seed...wonder why not???


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