Monday, December 07, 2009

CRUISING - Days 7 - 13 - AT SEA

Okay, that's it until we dock in Fr. Lauderdale on Sunday, Dec 13th! We'll be a speck upon the ocean, and hopefully have calm seas for a nice smooth voyage. Once we've docked we'll be spending a few days with our friend Nedra, who very conveniently lives in Ft. Lauderdale.

Even once we're in the states I can't guarantee how long it'll be before I can post again - there will be lots and lots of photos to be edited as well as posts to be written, and to be honest, that just won't be my first priority.

We'll fly to Louisville for one day then take off to see the grandgirls - a visit that's LONG overdue. By the time we get back to Louisville it'll be December 23rd, then Christmas, then my birthday - although Art's having dental work done that day! Anyway, that's my excuse, like it or not, so I guess I'd better take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday season just in case I don't post anything before it's over! Buon Natale, ed auguri!

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