Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Here's the lead-in to an article I found on the WANDERING ITALY
website, from an article entitled "10 Tips for Buying Property in Italy" written by Adriana Giglioli: 

"You know you want to buy a house in Italy. Here's the safe way.

The London-based Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors last year named Italy as one of the best countries in which to buy real estate because it has avoided the boom and bust of the property bubble seen elsewhere in the world.

In addition, between 2005 and Spring 2009, Italian prices rose 30% while the Euro strengthened 27% against the Pound – meaning a Briton with a typical Italian property saw its Sterling value increase 66%.

Italian tax changes have cut purchasing costs by up to 15%, meaning there has scarcely been a better time to buy a property in Italy."

You can read the entire article, including Ms. Giglioli's top ten tips, HERE. We took the leap seven years ago - what are YOU waiting for???


At 3/16/2010 06:10:00 AM , Blogger Diana Strinati Baur said...

the one link works, the second one is the problem, but I got to the article. Thanks!

At 3/16/2010 06:19:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Thanks Diana, I'll check the links.

At 3/16/2010 06:32:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

I fixed the second link and both appear to be working. If anyone else has a problem please let me know.

At 3/17/2010 07:01:00 AM , Anonymous Lil said...

Did you sell the house?


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