Sunday, June 07, 2009


Last Tuesday, a holiday here in Italy, we drove to Cortona to see the Giostra dell'Archidado, a medieval crossbow tournament. Just as we arrived in the city this group, representing one neighborhood in Cortona, was marching into the main piazza.

The parade

Before the crossbow tournament began there was a demonstration of flag throwing, a medieval art that's been kept alive in many cities throughout Italy. Unfortunately I was at the back of the crowd and this is all I could see:

Flag throwing

I'll publish a slideshow of all the pictures from that day shortly.

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At 6/07/2009 08:07:00 AM , Anonymous Jerry said...

That looks like the flag throwing I saw in Lucca . . . I was so far back that I just saw a flag flip high in the air once in awahile. LOL Oh well, it was great to see what I could.


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