Saturday, September 05, 2009


The other day I wrote about the Festa della Cipolla in Cannara, and last night Art and I just happened to be in the neighborhood so we decided to stay for dinner. A friend had asked if this festa was really all about the onions, since many festas might feature only one or two dishes using the food for which the festa is named. Cannara isn't like that at all. In fact, if you don't like onions you might as well stay home. Everything on the menu (except for the drinks) has onions in it, which was alright with us! Take a look at the menu - and note that even the desserts have onions!

The festa continues through the 6th of September, then again for 6 more days, September 8-13th.

Cannara menu -antipasti e primi

Cannara menu - i secondi

Cannara menu - contorni e dolci

Cannara menu - da bere

We even bought some onions to take home with us. The squatty mild yellow onions that Cannara is famous for are soooo good roasted in the oven. Now that cool weather is on the way we're ready!

Onions Cannara

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At 9/06/2009 06:32:00 AM , Anonymous Jerry said...

What fun - I would ahve liked to see a picture of the onion desserts! LOL

At 9/06/2009 06:49:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Jerry, the dessers looked beautiful! We saw gorgeous filled pastries, but still - I just wasn't will to take the chance!

At 9/07/2009 03:30:00 AM , Blogger Judith in Umbria said...

I want to go! It sounds wonderful to me.

At 9/07/2009 04:31:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

We'll probably go again with Larry and Shelly - drive on down and join us!

At 9/07/2009 04:26:00 PM , Blogger Saretta said...

Ooh, I love onions! Too bad Umbria is a bit too far away for me!


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