Thursday, September 17, 2009


After driving the long and scenic route from Assisi to Spello, we finally arrived in Spello, at the high end of town. We've always parked at the bottom and walked up, so coming in from the top gave us a new perspective. Spello is a wonderful, magical place with new surprises (and arches) around every corner....

Spello Umbria_0023

Spello Umbria_0040

Spello Umbria_0050

Spello Umbria_0034

There are more photos on our FLICKR PAGE, in the folder entitled “Spello Umbria”.

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At 9/17/2009 09:58:00 AM , Anonymous janie said...

Love your photos-thanks for sharing them.

At 9/17/2009 01:17:00 PM , Blogger Ciao Chow Linda said...

Spello is such a beautiful place. I have photos from some of the same spots from where you took yours.

At 9/19/2009 08:59:00 PM , Blogger Gil said...

Ditto with what Ciao Chow Linda said. Although, my photos aren't as professional as yours!

At 9/20/2009 01:27:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Thanks but it's so easy to take great photos when the scenery is this good!


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