Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If you were in Umbria you could be eating some of these dishes.....

Spello Umbria menu_7738

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At 9/16/2009 07:09:00 AM , Blogger Rosemary said...

C'รจ il nome dal questo ristorante? Buoni piatti!

At 9/16/2009 09:52:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Sorry Ro, it was a menu posted on a street in Spello. Because it was after lunch and we weren't shopping for a restaurant I didn't even bother to look for the name. I can tell you it's on the main (uphill) street into Spello.

At 9/17/2009 01:16:00 AM , Blogger Gil said...

Is it opposite a little store and near Hotel Palazzo Bacci?

At 9/17/2009 06:33:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Gil, I don't know! It was just past a little corner shop selling olive wood products, as we were walking into the city from the middle. If we get back there next week I'll try to check it out - I had no idea you all would want the name of the restaurant!

At 9/18/2009 12:57:00 AM , Blogger Gil said...

The one I mentioned was a great place until they turned it into an overpriced yuppie joint! I think that we must have eaten in most of the restaurants from il Molino to il Trombone through the years.


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