Monday, November 02, 2009


Olive Oil_7323Finalmente! The new olive oil is ready, frangrant and spicy, needing only a piece of toasted bread and a little salt to enjoy it at it's best. This weekend, November 7th and 8th, is the official Frantoi Aperti
when many frantoi (olive mills) will open their doors to the public, not only to buy the new oil, but also to see how it's made and maybe enjoy a few tastry treats as well.

Olive doorknobTrevi, which calls itself the "city of oil" will once again host it's own very special celebration for the frantoi aperti. Click on the link to see what's planned: city tours, concerts, food and a local market among other things. I think I'll pass on the donkey rides, but everything else sounds pretty cool! Hopefully I'll also be able to buy some fresh pumpkin for cooking, and maybe some more of Trevi's famous black celery. It's going to be a delicious weekend!

New this year, the fun of the Frantoi Aperti will continue for FIVE weekends, from November 7/8 through December 5/6. More details on the Frantoi Aperti website.

Trevi 152

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