Sunday, October 11, 2009


It doesn't seem possible, but somehow I keep finding new recipes that sound too good not to try. Recently I read this recipe for Lasagna With Caramelized Radicchio, Onions & Crispy Pancetta on one of my new favorite blogs, Italian Food Forever.  Deborah, who shares many wonderful recipes on her blog, gave me just what I needed:  a recipe that would help use up some of the onions we'd bought last month in Canarra.  I wasn't planning on having a large crowd for dinner anytime soon, so I made this recipe and divided it into two pans - one larger than the other, but neither so large that we'd have too many leftovers. 
Lasagna_006The weather, which has been in the 70's, suddenly turned cooler, and the thought of having the oven on was quite appealing.  I grabbed the smaller of the two casseroles out of the freezer and baked it for lunch today.  Wow!  Both Art and I really, really enjoyed this dish.  The sweet onions, the slight bitterness of the radicchio, and of course what dish doesn't benefit from a bit of bacon (pancetta)?  It was creamy and luscious, definitely a comfort food, but a very luxurious comfort food.  If you're looking for something new, take a look at the recipe, and while you're at it, add Italian Food Forever to your list of food blogs - who knows what other wonderful new recipes Deborah might post?

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At 10/11/2009 04:43:00 AM , Blogger Judith in Umbria said...

Ummm, yeah! Single people don't get to make lasagne very often... almost never unless they invite guests, but this looks and sounds worth the invitation.

At 10/12/2009 03:35:00 AM , Anonymous Martha said...

This looks really good. I make something similar with carmelized onions, potatoes, pancetta and fontina. I never mind cooking it is the thinking up of what I am going to cook that is hard.

At 3/10/2012 01:56:00 PM , Blogger Village Vacations In Italy said...

Barb, You made this for me once when I stayed at your house. It was beyond good....but then everything you make is so yummy!
Big Hug, Nedra
Village Vacations In Italy


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