Saturday, September 26, 2009


Over this past week we've been very busy, which is why I haven't been posting. We've been showing our new friend Annette as much of Umbria as we could in her limited time. One day we visited Montefalco, where
Montefalco Hotel Bontadosi we took a peek inside the very new, VERY posh PALAZZO BONTADOSI, which is not just a hotel, but also a spa.  Check out their website for pictures of the gorgeous rooms and an extensive list of spa services.  Some of the treatments even include Montefalco's famous Sagrantino grapes - leaves for massaging, crushed seeds for facials, and of course the finished product for tasting!

The old palazzo has been lovingly restoredMontefalco  Hotel Bontadosi_051....

And the town itself is a charming as ever....Montefalco_ 054

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At 9/27/2009 07:35:00 PM , Anonymous Jane said...

Barb, I love Montefalco. Thanks for restoring some memories.


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