Monday, August 09, 2010


Pearls Before Swine


At 8/24/2010 08:35:00 PM , Blogger Margaret said...

Hi Barb,
I don't know exactly how I found your blog. I have read about your house buying in Italy. Your articles are very informative. Thank you for that. I do have a question for you I hope you will answer. Why did you and Art decide to sell your Italian home and return to the US? Were you in Italy for 7 years? I guess that's two questions. Best wishes,

At 8/24/2010 11:31:00 PM , Blogger Barbara said...

Glad you enjoyed the articles Margaret. We decided to sell after fighting the exchange rate since the day we moved to Italy! And yes, we were there nearly 7 years.

At 8/25/2010 11:32:00 PM , Blogger Margaret said...

Hi Barb,
Well thank you for sharing your experience with us. My son lives in Spain and when his pay was coming from the US he and his family really suffered.
Welcome back to the US. I hope you will be happy here.


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