Monday, January 02, 2012

Saturday Photo Hunt - Gather

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is "Gather", and this is our family, gathered for Christmas Eve.  Over the years our numbers have dwindled but the tradition is carries on.


At 1/03/2012 02:56:00 AM , Blogger Gil said...

Hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

At 1/03/2012 09:51:00 AM , Blogger Rosemary said...

nice! Happy New Year to you alll!

At 1/03/2012 09:59:00 AM , Blogger Barbara said...

Thanks, and happy new year to you all too!

At 1/07/2012 03:25:00 PM , Blogger Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I am just now getting around to visit ~ I love the gathering.
All of our's have dwindled from year to year. This year I actually had a house full!
Happy New Year y'all~


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